Happy new year!
I hope that your new year is off to a great start. Maybe you’ve gotten off to a running start like Anna here, or are beginning with a more measured pace, but whatever 2013 brings for you, I hope that you find in it beauty, peace and balance. I’m looking forward to a lot of great things in the coming year, but I wanted to start by sharing a few recent publications that I’m excited about.
The image above was shot to illustrate The Path To Go, a feature on the movement to support gay undergraduate athletes. As a Penn alum, I remember encountering a lot of negative attitudes towards alternative sexualities or gender expressions during my time there, ranging from fearful to downright hostile. It saddened me when friends didn’t feel able to simply and comfortably be themselves, so I was delighted to hear about this great story by fellow DP alum David Zeitlin and even more delighted that the Gazette would give it a great spread in the issue. (Check out the PDF version for the full layout)
Meanwhile, friends at Other Worlds have just published Harvesting Justice: Transforming Food, Land, and Agricultural Systems in the Americas. The back cover features the above image from my work with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers. And if you’re impatient about getting a hardcopy in your hands, you can download a PDF version for free.
Speaking of my friends at the CIW, they are planning a two-week, 230-mile march from Ft. Myers to Lakeland, FL. Check out their site for more about the important work that they are doing for human rights in the agricultural industry.

One last fun publication to share, in case Conscious Dancer magazine isn’t among your regular subscriptions… their Fall issue had a nice little spread on How Philly Moves, amongst all sorts of other interesting things. You can peruse the entire issue here, or download a PDF of the article.
Ok, that’s it for now- thanks for joining me in this adventure.
PS you can find out more about my publications or recent coverage in the press. And feel free to get in touch if I can be of use to you.