One more trip down memory lane for JJ Tiziou Photography’s 10yr anniversary… That last post told you about how an invitation to document the creation of an LPFM radio station for a farmworker community in Florida first plugged me into the community media movement; this post is about how I got involved with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers‘ movement for human rights in the agricultural industry.

I jumped aboard the Truth Tour in Louisville, KY, as the CIW was heading cross country on a campaign to pressure fast food giant Taco Bell to take responsibility for the conditions in their supply chain. [more on that campaign here]

As soon as I landed, I started seeing  photogenic all around…

(Photographer’s note: I’m pulling these from an older gallery, and the files ar

… as well

Find more images from this series and order prints in the JJ Tiziou community archive.