Thank you for participating in Walk Around Philadelphia!
STEP 1: Record your response to the prompts below
You can record a selfie video (preferably horizontal) w/ a phone or computeror have a friend record you over zoom.
Please keep your responses concise – a few sentences for each of the prompts is plenty. As best you can, try get decent lighting & audio.
- Introduce yourself & relationship to Philadelphia
- Talk about why you participated in the perimeter walk
- Talk about what the experience was like
- Talk about a highlight
- Talk about a challenge
- Talk about walking in general
- Talk about what the perimeter walk meant for you / how it impacted you
- Talk about whether you’d do it again and why
- Talk about what you’d like to like to see happen with the project next / in the future
- Talk about anything else you’d like to share with people considering participating in the perimeter walk.
STEP 2: Upload your response & any other photos/videos you’d like to share:
- Name the file with your response to the prompts like this: “Firstname_Lastname_Fringe2020_response”
- Access this google drive folder and create a subfolder with your name.
- Upload your response file, and any other favorite photos / video clips from your experience of the walk to that folder w/ your name.
- Do this by end of day October 1 for inclusion in the reportback, but you can always share more later, especially if you do more perimeter walking.
STEP 3: Complete the post-walk survey:
Take a few moments to complete this short post-walk survey once you’re done your walk for this season.
If you plan on continuing to walk later on, I’d appreciate if you completed the survey & reportback video now while the experience fresh in your mind, and then submit another response later when you’re done the whole thing!
STEP 4: Stay tuned for what’s next…
I’ll invite a few folks along to my next walk in mid-February and hope to offer another public invite next September with even more resources.
To make sure that you get future updates and invites, please make sure to to your address book and to sign up for the mailing list.